Monday, May 5, 2008

Happy Birthday to Hope!

(Flora, Chris, Henry, Hope and Nash)
Happy Birthday to Hope! Hope and I met at church camp when we were 12. She lived in West Seattle, I lived on the "Eastside" although I would always tell people who knew nothing about Seattle that I was from Seattle (like saying you are from Wellington when you live in Upper Hutt), Hope would correct me and point out that I clearly lived in the suburbs while she was a hip, urban chick. We traveled to the Soviet Union together when we were 16. She went to University in Washington and California, while I was in Oregon. She moved to Texas, I stayed in Portland, Oregon. She finally moved to Portland and I got to hang out with her, Chris and their two wonderful boys for about 4 years (because they went BACK to Texas during that time) and then I up and moved to New Zealand. In any event, Hope and I have been friends for ages, and despite the distance between us for the better part of 26 years we remain close friends and I consider her, Chris, Henry and Nash to be family.

Happy Birthday Hoper!



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