Friday, February 20, 2009

Welcome Hope!

Our second daughter, Hope Marie Harrison arrived at 9:05am on 11 February 2009. She weighed 8lbs 10oz and was 22.5 inches long. Her head was 36 cm around.

My waters broke on 10 Feb at 11:50 pm and my real labor contractions started about 20 minutes thereafter. Poor Vaughan had just come to bed 30 minutes before and I was lying awake in bed wondering what the next day would bring as we were scheduled to go to the hospital the next day at 7:30am for my induction.

We rang Anne, Vaughan's mum, and she came over to stay with Lucy. While talking to her I had my first "real" contraction, i.e. I had to stop talking and bend over while it was happening! We arrived at the hospital by 12:30pm. The midwife monitored the baby and I for about 30 minutes upon arrival, so I was confined to bed but then they allowed me to move around.

From about 1:15am to maybe 3:00am ( I don't know, time moved both quickly and slowly for me) Vaughan and I walked the hallways and then I decided I wanted to go outside for some fresh air. My contractions were just about every 3 minutes and becoming stronger. I would have to stop for each one and my legs would shake. We made it down the stairs to go outside but I got nauseous so we opted to go back to the ward.

When we got back to the ward the midwife examined me and I was at about 4cm, could stretch to 5...and the midwife encouraged me to get into the bath for pain relief. I decided to give it a try. They also offered me gas but I don't think I tried it until after the bath. In any event, the bath was a disaster. I really wanted to push against something when I was dealing with a contraction and I was too buoyant in the tub to do this, then I got really sick and decided I wanted out of the tub! My contractions were no more than 2 minutes apart at this point in time and I was losing my ability to keep up with them. Vaughan was by my side the whole time, counting through the contractions and giving me encouraging words - like BREATH and "almost done." I couldn't have made it for as long as I did without him.

So, even though I didn't want to be in bed I couldn't' stand up anymore, so I lay on my side for the next two hours until 5am. My contractions were just about every minute. I used the gas but I don't think I was using it very well as it was hard to breath deep and I think I started a bit too late each time I used it. Not sure what kind of gas it was/is but it takes the edge off only while you are inhaling it. At about this time I was offered and accepted an epidural. They had to put the line in twice as the first line had blood in it. Oh vey, what a wait AND they ask you to sit still....ha! I can't really describe labor pain now that it is over, and I am not sure I should for those still waiting to learn what it is about. I tried to focus on getting through each 60 second contraction but in the end my contractions were coming one on top of another and I couldn't refocus my energy to cope with them. And, I had been up for nearly 24 hours at this point in time, I was very tired -- as was Vaughan.
It took about 15 minutes for the epidural to kick in once they got the line in and when they examined me at 6am I was pleased to learn that I was dialated to 8cm. I thought this meant I would be able to give natural child birth a go as the hard work of opening my cervix was nearing its end. The examined me at 7am but no progress and the nurse was concerned about the baby's heart rate, which had gone up so she rang my doctor. The doctor came in and said he would give me one more hour to progress and if nothing was happening I would have a c-section. The hour passed and upon examination Hope's head was stuck in my pelvis and my cervix was starting to close back up -- the decision was made. And, an hour later Hope was born, safe and sound. While I desperately wanted to avoid a c-section, Hope arrived in good health and in the end, that is all that matters.

I was glad they allowed me to have a "trial labor" which is what they call it when you are attempting a VBAC (vaginal birth after cesarean).

The highlight of the experience for me, besides being blessed with another beautiful and healthy daughter, was hearing Vaughan's voice and seeing his face when he peered over the operating curtain and gasped "oh, it's a girl!" I heard the same joy and happiness in his voice when Lucy was born and it touched me profoundly.
And now, we are a happy and healthy family of four.


Tina Paulson said...

thanks for posting the story!!! :)

Unknown said...

I am so very happy for you Jennifer! What a beautiful little girl...I loved all the details! Hope is absolutely gorgeous!!
Love ya!