Sunday, June 22, 2008

Still alive and well!

Sorry for the lapse in posts (is anyone reading?) : ) Things are good, busy. We are busy keeping up with Lucy, she is talking all the time and adding new words. She still loves reading, playing with her baby and hanging out with her cousins. Vaughan is still working on the vege garden. He got a fair amount of work done yesterday before the rain and wind set in today. Last night the Harrison clan came over for lasagna. The cousins love playing together and Julia is doing well. (Margot is now 13 days old.)

The weather was nice enough yesterday that Lucy and I were able to make it to the outdoor market for our weekly vege and fruit run. Today (Sunday) I went for an hour long run with Allison and Vaughan took Lucy for a run. After a nap we took Lucy for a swim. She really enjoys the pool!

I am headed to Sydney for three days at the end of July for work and hoping to somehow make it to the US for two weeks or so in August. Would love to see my family, friends, show Lucy off and attend my 20 year high school reunion.

So that is all the news that is fit to print.

1 comment:

joe said...

Hey Jen and Vaughan, I'm reading! Keep writing and posting photos.

Joe and April (Loves Park )