Sunday, September 16, 2012

Fred and Daisy

Our dogs. One is an angel and the other is...not.
Our trip to Oriental Parade today before the rain set in.  I think I even got some sun. 

Hope didn't want to smile for the camera. (Charli, Lucy, Grier and Hope)

Monday, May 14, 2012

My parents came out for a visit this Summer (January and February) and as my mum and Lucy share a birthday I made sure we had some photos taken to celebrate their 70th and 5th birthday together.  Here are a few of my favorites.

Hello!  I am back. I am not sure who is reading but I intend on doing a better job at updating the blog.   There is lots going on in our lives and not enough time to fit everything in!  We have two dogs, two kids, two adults and heaps of fun.  : )  And Samuel, my nephew, turned two yesterday, on Mother's Day.  In this photo are Lucy and Hope with their cousins (all of them!).  From left to right are: Ethan (9) Margot (>4) Hope (3) Lucy (5) Samuel (2) and Gabe (7).  All at Granny's house for Mother's day and Samuel's birthday party. xxoo