Wednesday, March 25, 2009

6 weeks

Hope is six weeks old today. I can hardly believe it. The past three weeks have been very busy. My parents arrived at the beginning of March and have been staying with us. Old family friends, the Taylors, visited us last weekend and things have been non-stop with Lucy and Hope and our visitors. I will start to post some pictures of the past two weeks!!!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hope is one month old

Hope is now a month old. The past four weeks have flown by. She is 10lbs 10oz, 58 centimeters long, she is smiling, staring to coo and reaching for the toys on her play gym. She loves bath time with her dad and can sleep through lots of noise! She sleeps and eats well...she sleeps a great deal actually! She is lovely and Lucy is doing a great job being a big sister.